Sunday 25 July 2010

Saturday Wordzzle 119

It's actually 4 whole minutes into Sunday, but I haven't had my sleep yet so it's still today and not tomorrow, if you get my drift.

Anyway, Saturday is Wordzzleday, so on with the motley....

Raven is our genial hostess as always, so go to her to find the rules, the guidance, the other players and next week's words.  COME PLAY WITH US!  It's not as hard as it looks - honest.

The Mini (plastic, forgotten, make-shift, happy days, infant)

The chore of clearing out Mother’s house after she passed fell to me. We weren’t close, so it was not likely to be traumatic, thank goodness. Mother had never been, as they would say in today’s psychobabble, an emotionally available person. She never hugged or kissed us as children and, while she was scrupulous in her care of us, she was always Mother, never Mummy. Now, In her wardrobe, I find forgotten blouses and jumpers, birthday and Christmas presents from us over the years – some still in their plastic wrappers. There is also a cardboard box containing some old letters, her birth certificate and a bunch of photographs. A few are of my grandparents, looking stern and stiff in sepia. There are a few of my father, smart and serious in his army uniform, his hair already brushed with grey about the temples. Some show mine and my sister’s infant faces staring large-eyed and bemused into the camera. There is, however, just the one of my mother herself - as a very young woman. Her head is thrown back and she is laughing uproariously, her arms flung around the waist of a good-looking man of about the same age. It’s raining and the man is holding his coat over them both as a kind of make-shift umbrella. He’s laughing too. What happy days! What a happy couple! Although her youthfulness and this strange gaiety make my mother hard to recognise in this picture, it is definitely her. The man, though, I do not recognise at all.

The 10-worder (super duper, think first and act later, jump rope, soap opera, delivery, barbeque, jewellery, on sale, justification, figure of speech)

New to Harold? The summary is here.

“So, are we happy with this list?” asked Mercury. Othello and Box indicated their agreement. They had, between them, worked their way through the complete list of OGS agent files Othello had downloaded from the OGS system – some one hundred personnel files.

“So who’ve we got?” asked Prada from her place at the window.

“Agents Cobalt, Sabre, Callisto, Oak and Ruby.”

“Ruby?” Prada was incredulous, “You’re kidding right? I went to his birthday barbecue last month. I taught his daughters jump rope. He’s solid, I’d bet my life on it.”

“You’re probably right,” said Mercury soothingly, “but at this stage we’re just pulling out anyone with anything unusual in their background. Ruby’s family is significantly wealthy, so he might be able to buy stuff other folks couldn’t. The family owns a chain of jewellery stores. Remember, we’re not accusing anyone of anything yet.”

“Cobalt’s background is in mining, that’s why he’s on the list,” added Othello, “he might have been able to get his hands on explosives.”

“And Sabre?” asked Prada, “What’s your justification for including her?”

“She has a gap in her history of about six months, which is very unusual - OGS is usually very thorough. It’s probably nothing, but nobody else had any gaps.”

“And Oak had a fairly long-running bit part in a soap opera.” Othello again.

“How is that relevant? I know some soap operas are criminally bad, but, even so.”

“Well, I suppose we’re clutching at straws here,” explained Othello, “but I was thinking about acting ability and how someone who was good at dissembling might be our traitor.”

Harold was only half listening to the agents’ discussion, he was enjoying looking at the garden. Box’s mysterious friend obviously had green fingers if this pleasant and well-kept space was anything to go by. At this time of the year, many of the plants were in bloom, adding splashes of colour here and there and the plants themselves looked to be in a lot better shape than the hot-housed, wilted specimens Harold had sometimes seen on sale in filling station forecourts. Of course, this garden, as fine as it was, was not a patch on that other one, the very first one… He stopped his thoughts right there, before they could take a turn down a rocky and painful road, to coin a figure of speech.

He wished he could be more help with the task in hand. Spotting a traitor in one’s midst was never easy, such a one was hardly likely to leave any obvious clues. Of course, Harold himself did not know any OGS agents apart from the ones in the room, their boss, Opal, and that young agent, Moon. All of them seemed super-duper squeaky-clean to him. Humans were masters of deception though, so you could never tell. He smiled to himself: talk about calling the kettle black.

“What’s tickling you?” asked Teatime, seeing Harold’s grin.

“Oh, nothing much,” Harold replied, “just the huge and fascinating ironies of life.”

“I do wonder about you sometimes, old sock, I really do.”

The doorbell rang.

“It’s a delivery guy,” said Prada quietly, “I’ve been watching him. He’s just been to the house across the street, but it looks like they’re not at home. I guess he’s looking to see if we’ll take in the package. Ours is the only house with a car in the driveway, so he probably thinks there’s someone here.”

“Does he look legit?” asked Box.

“He’s wearing a UPS uniform and his truck has the right livery.”

“I’ll get rid of him,” said Othello, standing up.

“Why don’t we just ignore him?” said India, “Surely that would be safest.”

Othello was already at the door. From the living room, they heard a brief low-voiced conversation. Othello then came back into the room, followed very closely by the UPS guy, who had a silenced gun pressed into the small of Othello’s back.

“Everybody keep calm and nobody will get hurt,” he said loudly and clearly. He gave Othello a push. “Face down, on the floor, all of you.” His voice dropped to a more normal level as they scrambled to comply, he was addressing an unseen colleague via an earpiece, evidently. “OK, I’m in. Garcia. Thompson. You’re up. Andrews, inform Mr Peck.”

A few moments later, Garcia and Thompson appeared. They too, were sporting UPS livery, earpieces – and guns.

“What’s going on?” demanded Mercury, “who are you people?”

“No talking.” Replied the first fake-UPS guy, whose name-tag identified him as Jeff. “Garcia. Get all their phones and those computers. Thompson, tie them up.”

Harold had briefly considered rushing Jeff before the others appeared. Bullets would not kill him after all, but, in a rare bout of think first and act later, he realised that there was a high risk of the gun going off and injuring or even killing one of the humans. By the time he had worked though this logic, the moment had passed anyway, so he followed Jeff’s instructions. Teatime jumped off his shoulder and ran behind the sofa, doing his best to act the dumb-monkey-who-is-no-threat-whatsoever-to-anyone-no-sir.

Garcia and Thompson were briskly efficient, and soon everybody was phone-free and wearing the latest in plastic cable-tie bracelets.

“OK, good,” said Jeff, when they had finished, “Now you, blond guy in the leather jacket. On your feet, you’re with me. The rest of you stay nice and quiet for my colleagues here.”

Harold got to his feet with some trepidation. Was he about to join Baron Samedi, Susan, Illyriel and all the rest?


  1. I loved your mini. It made me think of my mother in some ways but it carried so much depth in a short space.... kind of like a mini novel.. or at least the start of one.

    And I always love Harold and the fascinating twists and turns of his story. Happy birthday to him too!

  2. Ooh Harold is really fascinating today - I can't wait to see what happens next.

    The first one is so poignant - wonder if the protagonist will try to find out who the man is?

  3. The mini was photgraph in words, poignet and touching, You managed to capture the pain and mixed emotions when having to "clear" away someone's belongings.

    Harold oh how excitng I was willing Othello not to open the door!

  4. Raven - Thanks. The Mother in my mini story is nothing like my real one I'm glad to say. I anted to paint a picture of a woman who was probably not happy in her marriage but who was capable of happiness under the right circumstances.

    Bug - Thanks also. I'm trying to get Harold's story really moving along now after all the scene-setting and whatnot. I doubt I'll be revisiting the protagonist of the mini though as one long-runner is enough.

    Gewi Mui - And thank you. Glad you enjoyed the mini. I do like writing these little short pieces. They're a bit like how I imagine it would be to paint a miniature painting. Othello was a bit stupid to open the door but in his defence he hasn't slept for over a day :-)

  5. Harold is a blonde!?... that's thrown my imaginings a bit! :-)... mind you, he's still lovely! Bit concerned about him now though, fake ups men are never good.

  6. Watercats - Hope you're all caught up now. Yes, in my head Harold is a blond guy, early twenties (a sort of young Owen Wilson). Would love to know how you picture him, though. It doesn't matter anyway, he can be whatever you like him to be (just sign here hehe........)

  7. ok - so greatly enjoyed both having determined to catch up with Harold this week.

    The traitor is obvious though - in movies it's always the chap with the british accent!

    Great cliffhanger

  8. DFTP - Glad you're back with us once more. The only person with a british accent is, of course, Teamtime. Oooh! Have I said too much?

  9. Excellent as always. I'd love to join.

    Yes, I could the shortie, but Saturdays are usually very full.
    It's these dratted time limits on the prompts, which make it so difficult for me.
    If the prompts appeared BEFORE the deadline, that would make it easier. I don't have time for the computer and the blog every day.

  10. Friko - Raven gives us the words for each challenge the week before. The words for tomorrow's challenge are (10 words) sharp, dump truck, charcoal, traffic light, digestive system, argumentative, fireflies, chocolate, volume, options. For the mini: parameters, shoplifting, adoption, threats, lemonade. Raven has recently renamed it the weekly challenge as not everyone can get there by/on Saturdays. Wheveer you have posted your piece(s), go to Raven's blog and there'll be a Mr Linky Widget where you can put your name the URL of your post. We usually drop a comment there too so people know we've posted.


Without your comments, I am but a wave without a shore...